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HVAC Maintenance for Improved Air Quality in the Winter 

As Rockville continues with winter, it ushers in a wave of seasonal allergens that can permeate the sanctuary of our homes. These microscopic stowaways, hitching rides on the breeze, find their way into the nooks and crannies of our living spaces. 

At Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating, we recognize that your home’s air quality is as vital as its temperature. Armed with knowledge and the right tools, we’re here to help you navigate this seasonal transition smoothly. Spending time on regular HVAC maintenance can be your ally against these unseen invaders, ensuring your Rockville home remains a bastion of health and comfort in the cold months. 

HVAC Maintenance: Your Winter Air Quality Guardian 

The quality of the air inside your home is greatly influenced by the condition of your HVAC system, especially during the winter-to-spring transition. This period, when homes are often sealed tight, can trap and circulate allergens and pollutants. 

Regular HVAC maintenance, including professional inspections, filter replacements, and duct cleaning, is key to preventing these issues. Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating is committed to providing Rockville residents with top-notch HVAC maintenance services, ensuring your system runs efficiently and your indoor air remains clean. 

Essential Steps for Optimal Indoor Air Quality 

Maintaining excellent indoor air quality through the colder months requires more than just adjusting your thermostat. It involves a comprehensive approach to HVAC maintenance. Let’s explore the steps you can take to ensure your system contributes positively to your home’s air quality. 

  • Professional HVAC Inspections 
  • Regular Filter Replacements 
  • Duct Cleaning and Maintenance 
  • Upgrading to High-Efficiency Air Filters 
  • Humidity Control 

Professional HVAC Inspections 

Professional HVAC inspections play a vital role in maintaining the air quality in your Rockville home during winter. These inspections, conducted by skilled technicians like those at Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating, go beyond a superficial check. They delve into the heart of your system, assessing components for wear and efficiency. 

During these inspections, potential issues are identified early, preventing them from escalating into bigger problems that could compromise air quality. A well-inspected system operates more efficiently, ensuring clean air circulation and reducing the likelihood of allergen buildup. This proactive step is essential not just for system longevity but also for maintaining a healthy, allergen-free home environment. 

Regular Filter Replacements 

Replacing your HVAC filters regularly is an easy yet impactful way to enhance indoor air quality. Over time, filters can become clogged with dust, pollen, and other airborne particles, impeding airflow and reducing system efficiency. 

In Rockville, where homes are sealed tight against winter cold, clean filters are crucial for preventing the recirculation of indoor pollutants. By routinely replacing your filters, you ensure that your HVAC system continues to filter out harmful particles effectively. 

This simple maintenance task, often overlooked, is a key element in keeping your indoor air fresh and reducing the presence of allergens so that your home remains a comfortable and healthy space. 

Duct Cleaning and Maintenance 

Duct cleaning and maintenance are key components of HVAC care, especially as Rockville heads into the winter months. Over the year, your ducts can accumulate a surprising amount of dust, pet dander, and other allergens. Without regular cleaning, these particles circulate through your home every time the heating kicks in, affecting the air you breathe. 

At Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating, we recommend a thorough duct inspection and cleaning as part of your regular HVAC maintenance routine. This process not only enhances airflow but also significantly reduces the recirculation of airborne irritants. Keeping your ducts clean isn’t just about efficiency. It’s about ensuring the air in your home is as clean and healthy as possible, providing a comfortable environment for you and your family. 

Upgrading to High-Efficiency Air Filters 

Elevating the quality of your home’s air can start with something as simple as upgrading your air filters. High-efficiency air filters capture finer particles, including many common allergens, more effectively than standard filters. For families in Rockville, this means the air circulating through your home is not just warm or cool—it’s cleaner and healthier. It’s a straightforward change with a profound impact, especially during winter when indoor air can become stagnant. 

By choosing filters with a higher MERV rating, you’re taking a significant step toward combating seasonal irritants. Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating can help you select and install the right filters for your HVAC system, ensuring optimal performance and indoor air quality. 

Humidity Control 

The balance of humidity in your Rockville home can greatly influence your comfort and health, as well as your HVAC system’s efficiency. Dry winter air can exacerbate the presence of allergens and irritate respiratory conditions. A properly maintained HVAC system with humidity control can mitigate these issues, maintaining a level of moisture in the air that’s comfortable and healthy. 

Whether it’s integrating a whole-home humidifier or adjusting your existing system, managing indoor humidity is a crucial step in maintaining air quality. Let the team at Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating guide you toward the right humidity solutions for your home, enhancing your air quality and comfort this winter. 

Partner With Glenmont for Your HVAC Care 

As the seasons change in Rockville, your approach to HVAC maintenance should evolve, too. If you stay on top of your regular check-ups, filter upgrades, and smart humidity control, you can combat the sneaky seasonal allergens that threaten your indoor air tranquility. 

At Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating, we’re not just service providers—we’re your neighbors, committed to ensuring your living space remains a haven of purity and comfort. With our expertise, your home will transition into spring with air that’s as refreshing as a brisk morning in Rockville’s parks. Let’s not wait for allergens to remind us of their presence. 

Take a proactive step today, and together, we’ll make sure that the air you breathe at home is nothing short of excellent. Reach out to Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating, and let’s set the stage for a season of clean air and peace of mind.

Heating Replacement Guide: Key Factors to Ponder for Your Rockville Home

As the leaves in Rockville’s Woodmont Park take on the vibrant colors of autumn, the crisp Maryland air reminds us it’s time to consider the comfort of our homes. Just as we choose a winter coat that promises warmth season after season, selecting the right heating system is a fundamental decision for our living spaces. 

At Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, we will explore the essential factors to ponder before deciding on a heating replacement, ensuring your Rockville residence is a haven of warmth in the winter months ahead.

Navigating the Crossroads of Heating Replacement

When it’s time to decide whether to repair or replace your heating system, there are numerous factors to weigh beyond just the price. It’s about ensuring your home’s comfort, energy efficiency, and the peace of mind that comes with a reliable heating source.

Join us as we delve into what makes a heating system ripe for replacement and how Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning can provide you with a solution that meets your needs in Rockville, MD.

Key Considerations for Your Heating System Upgrade

Deciding to replace your heating system is not a decision to take lightly. It involves not just a financial commitment but also an investment in your home’s future comfort and efficiency. 

Let’s look at the vital factors you should consider to make an educated choice.

  • System Age and Efficiency 
  • Energy Source and Environmental Impact 
  • Heating Needs and System Size 
  • Costs and Long-Term Savings 

System Age and Efficiency

The age of your heating system is a silent factor in its overall performance and efficiency. As systems age, they may not only lose efficiency, which can lead to increased energy consumption, but they might also fail to meet the latest environmental codes and standards, which are getting stricter by the year. 

In the scenic area of Rockville, MD, where environmental consciousness is growing, an outdated system can weigh heavily on both your conscience and your wallet. 

At Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand that a modern, energy-efficient system can transform your home’s comfort and contribute to a greener Rockville. Upgrading to a new system can reduce your carbon footprint and enhance indoor comfort, providing an attractive return on investment through energy savings that Rockville residents will appreciate.

Energy Source and Environmental Impact

Your heating system’s energy source is not just a technical detail—it’s a choice that reflects your environmental values and impacts your home’s carbon footprint. In Rockville, where sustainability is becoming as much a part of the landscape as the city itself, the move toward eco-friendly heating solutions is more pronounced. 

Whether you’re considering the traditional warmth of a gas furnace or the modern efficiency of an electric heat pump, Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning will help you navigate the options. 

We help you align your heating choice with Maryland’s energy goals, potentially tapping into local incentives for HVAC services in Rockville, MD, that support sustainable living. By choosing a cleaner energy source, you not only do your part for the planet but also set the stage for a home that’s as energy-efficient as it is comfortable.

Heating Needs and System Size

Choosing the correct size for your heating system is crucial. It’s like picking a suit—the right fit ensures comfort and style, while the wrong size can be cumbersome and inefficient. 

In Rockville, MD, where winters vary, the right heating system should be powerful enough to keep your home cozy without overworking and racking up energy bills. At Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, we specialize in finding that perfect match, considering the square footage of your home, insulation levels, and even your lifestyle habits. 

We’ll help you choose a system that’s neither too big nor too small but just right for your heating system needs, ensuring optimal performance and avoiding the pitfalls of an improperly sized system that can lead to uneven heating and wasted energy.

Costs and Long-Term Savings

Investing in a new heating system is about more than just the sticker price—it’s a long-term investment in your Rockville home’s efficiency and comfort. While the initial cost may seem daunting, the right system can offer significant savings down the line, thanks to improved energy efficiency and lower utility bills. 

At Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, we work with you to understand the full spectrum of costs, from installation to ongoing maintenance. We’ll guide you through the potential long-term savings that modern, energy-efficient heaters and HVAC services in Rockville, MD, can offer, helping you make an informed decision that balances upfront costs with future financial benefits.

Benefits of Heating Replacement

Opting for a heating system replacement in Rockville, MD, brings a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond mere warmth. With a new system, you’ll experience enhanced efficiency, which means your home reaches the desired temperature faster and maintains it more evenly without the energy drain of an older unit. 

Not only will this lead to a more comfortable living environment, but it can also translate to lower utility bills, which is a boon for any budget-conscious homeowner. Moreover, the latest heating systems are often equipped with advanced features like programmable thermostats and smart home compatibility, offering unprecedented control over your home’s climate. 

By investing in a modern heating solution with Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, you’re not just upgrading your system—you’re enhancing your overall quality of life with clean, efficient, and customizable comfort that you can rely on season after season.

Ensuring Your Comfort with Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning

The journey to a new heating system is one that Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning is honored to navigate with you. With careful consideration of your home’s specific needs, energy goals, and budget, we’ll ensure that your heating replacement is a wise investment for the future. 

If you’re contemplating whether it’s time for a new system, let’s start a conversation about how we can enhance the comfort and efficiency of your Rockville home with a new HVAC system. We’re here to provide the expertise and support you need every step of the way.

HVAC Preparation Tips For The Holiday Season

Are you hosting guests in Rockville, MD, this holiday season? There are many ways to entertain your visitors and get them into the holiday spirit. You can take your guests snow tubing or visit Winter City Lights for the most unforgettable Christmas lights display. These fun-filled activities will be an instant holiday hit. However, it is important to ensure you and your guests have a warm and comfortable home during the festivities. Scheduling heating maintenance in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas can ensure your home is cozy all season long.

At Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, we can make sure your HVAC unit is ready to handle a crowd with our expert heating maintenance services. In this article, we discuss heating maintenance and ways homeowners can prepare their heating unit for the holiday season.

What Is HVAC Preparation?

Holidays spent at home are an enjoyable part of the winter season for many Rockville residents. Unfortunately, heating systems do not operate on a holiday schedule and can break down at any moment. It is important to properly prepare your home and heating unit for upcoming festivities to avoid discomfort and schedule interruptions.

HVAC preparation entails getting your heating system in optimal condition to avoid breakdowns and repairs during the winter, especially in the holiday season. The best way to properly prepare your system is by scheduling professional heating maintenance with experts like Glenmont. Among other benefits, heating maintenance in Rockville, MD will prevent emergency breakdowns and improve your system’s performance.

How To Prepare Your HVAC For The Holiday Season

While scheduling professional heating maintenance in Rockville, MD is the best and easiest way to avoid unwanted breakdowns and repairs, homeowners can perform other preventative tasks to prepare for the holidays. Below are four ways to prepare your home and heating system for the holiday season in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas:

  • Replace Air Filters
  • Clean Vent Covers
  • Adjust Thermostat
  • Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Replace Air Filters

Air filters work hard to trap and prevent pollen, dust, mildew, mold, and other allergens from mixing in with the air we breathe. Over time, filters will collect various pollutants and need to be changed or cleaned to continue filtering the air. If your heating system is operating with dirty air filters, it will decrease your indoor air quality in Rockville, MD. This can pose health threats to residents and guests in the home, such as causing common cold symptoms. Additionally, a dirty air filter can increase the workload for your heating system and raise energy bills.

If the filters go uncleaned for long, your system could suffer a breakdown in the middle of winter. We recommend changing air filters every 90 days and before a large gathering in the holiday season. If you are unsure of how to select the right type of air filter for your home, call our experts at Glenmont! We can guide you through selecting and installing a quality air filter, as well as perform various other indoor air quality services in Rockville, MD.

Clean Vent Covers

When cleaning your home before guests arrive, don’t forget about your vent covers! Dust can collect on the registers and grilles of your vents and harm the aesthetics and air quality of your home. We recommend cleaning vent covers regularly for various reasons, including to enhance HVAC efficiency and prevent breakdowns. If air vents are covered or obstructed by dust, it can cause your heating system to work harder and use more energy this winter. This can result in high energy bills, a heating breakdown in Rockville, MD, and costly repairs.

Consider following these steps to thoroughly and safely clean dirty vent covers:

  • Turn off your system to avoid dirt and dust being circulated into your home.
  • Lay an old cloth below ceiling vents and wear eye protection glasses.
  • Unscrew the main vent covers and the small ones with a screwdriver.
  • Soak the vents in hot, soapy water for about half an hour.
  • Then, use a sponge or microfiber cloth to get rid of stubborn dirt.
  • If there’s still mold, mix a diluted bleach solution, following the instructions on the bleach bottle. The solution will disinfect the vents.
  • Thoroughly rinse once done.
  • Let the covers completely dry before screwing them back in place.

Cleaning your vent covers keeps them looking great and minimizes the spread of allergens throughout your home. It also increases the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Moreover, make sure that your Christmas tree, packages, furniture, or curtains don’t obstruct the floor vents. The supply and return vents should be completely exposed in order to have good circulation.

Adjust Thermostat

As you stock up on food for your guests and figure out where they’ll sleep, it’s also important to remember to adjust your thermostat. A house full of guests can become toasty and uncomfortable very quickly. To ensure a cozy home for everyone, lower the temperature by a notch or two to offset the warmth from your visitors and kitchen. This will keep everyone in your home comfortable and avoid the need to open windows, which can overwork your HVAC system.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

If you haven’t already scheduled heating maintenance in Rockville, MD, the fall season is the perfect time to do so. Temperatures are chilly at night and pleasant during the day, so homeowners are not completely relying on their heating system for comfort. We recommend scheduling professional heating maintenance before turning on your system for the season, because your heating system may have an underlying problem and not work properly at first. Additionally, the holiday season is a busy time for everyone, including heating and air conditioning professionals!

During heating maintenance in Rockville, MD, our professional technicians will inspect your HVAC unit, searching for signs of trouble that could affect the performance of your system. If there are any issues, our team can fix them without delay. We’ll also clean and lubricate your HVAC unit, fasten any loose parts, and perform various other preventative tasks.

With professional heating maintenance services, you don’t have to worry about emergency breakdowns when you’re busy entertaining. Our routine maintenance services will keep your system running smoothly all through the holidays and beyond.

Glenmont’s Heating Maintenance Services

At Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer reliable heating maintenance services to keep your home warm and safe. Heating maintenance is a preventative check-up for your HVAC unit. It boosts the efficiency of your system, extends its lifetime, and keeps your heating expenses low. A typical heating maintenance visit will entail:

  • A thorough inspection of your HVAC system.
  • Cleaning all the components.
  • Checking the moving parts to ensure your HVAC unit is healthy.
  • Safety checks to make sure there are no gas or carbon monoxide leaks.
  • Testing your system to confirm if it’s running at peak efficiency.

Enjoy A Warm, Cozy Holiday Season!

We’re happy to help you enjoy the holidays with those you love without any heating headaches. With our comprehensive heating maintenance in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas, your HVAC unit will be ready to take on the chilly season.

Want to make sure your HVAC system keeps you and your guests comfortable throughout the festive season? Schedule your appointment with Glenmont Heating & Air Conditioning today.

HVAC Tips For Winter

A reliable heating system is a necessity in the cold winters of Rockville. Without proper care, you may experience frequent heating repairs or breakdowns leaving your home chilly and uncomfortable. Homeowners can take preventative maintenance steps to ensure your heating unit is dependable all season long. In this blog, we will discuss helpful HVAC tips to keep your home warm and cozy.

Preventative Heating Steps

Taking proper steps to ensure your heating unit is working efficiently and effectively will help keep you comfortable this winter. Below are six simple HVAC tips to prepare your heating unit for the cold temperatures.

  • Regularly Change Air Filter
  • Clean Air Vents
  • Seal Air Leaks
  • Clear Heating Unit
  • Schedule Heating Maintenance
  • Winterize AC Unit

Regularly Change Air Filter

Each air filter in your home should be changed at least every 90 days. A dirty air filter can harm many factors about your home, such as airflow, indoor air quality, and efficiency. If your filters are clogged, warm air struggles to be pushed through the filter pores. This results in your heating unit using more energy and can lead to a breakdown. Not only will your utility bills rise, but your air quality will decrease due to extra pollutants passing through. With illnesses being more common in the winter, it is important to regularly change your air filter to stay healthy.

Clean Air Vents

Similar to air filters, dirty air vents can cause your heating unit to become overworked. Dirty air vents can spread dust and other allergens around your home, which harms air quality and cleanliness of your home. Built up dust and other debris causes your heating unit to struggle to push air through the vents and can create future problems for your unit. To clean your air vents, remove the vent covers and wipe them down with a rag. Next, take your vacuum and remove excess dust and debris inside your vents.

Seal Air Leaks

Windows, walls, doors, and other openings can result in air leaks inside your home. Your heating unit works hard to meet the thermostat setting inside your home, but struggles to do so if air is escaping. Air leaks can raise energy bills due to the increased workload for your heating system. An easy and cost effective way to seal air leaks in your home is by caulking and weather stripping around openings in your home where you suspect an air leak may be.

Clean Heating Unit

Obstructed heating units can harm efficiency and energy usage. For indoor heating systems, be sure to remove personal items from on and around the unit. Additionally, remove excess dust and other debris. For outdoor units, remove leaves, grass clippings, branches, and other debris from the outside of the unit. Cleaning your heating unit will ensure your unit can operate effectively and maintain proper airflow.

Schedule Heating Maintenance

The most effective way to ensure your heating unit is ready to keep you comfortable this winter is by having maintenance performed by a Glenmont technician. Heating maintenance allows a professional to inspect your heating unit for any malfunctions, obstructions, or needed repairs. We can repair and replace any components while performing preventative tasks. You will experience less repairs and uncomfortable breakdowns by scheduling heating maintenance in Rockville with a Glemont technician!

Winterize AC Unit

Be sure to not forget about your air conditioning unit in the winter even though they are not used! Air conditioners are one of the most important appliances in your home, which is why proper care must be given year-round. To properly winterize your AC unit, turn off power and clean visible debris. Next, purchase a protective cover to keep out pests, dirt, and moisture. After each snow and frost, remove snow and ice from the top of the unit even if there is a cover. These steps will ensure your air conditioner is ready the moment you need it in the spring and can help avoid costly repairs!

Benefits Of Preparing Your HVAC System For Winter

While these six HVAC tips can seem tedious, they will pay off in the long run. Properly preparing your heating system for the winter temperatures and the heating demand can provide many benefits for your home, such as:

  • Lower Utility Bills
  • Increased Unit Efficiency
  • Improved Air Quality
  • Better Home Comfort
  • Fewer Repairs

We are here to help keep your home warm and cozy this winter, so consider these six simple tips! Each one of them will help your heating unit perform efficiently and avoid problems down the road. For heating repair and maintenance in Rockville and surrounding areas, give us a call! Our trained technicians can repair all types of heating units in a timely and professional manner.

How To Clean The Air Vents In Your Home

If you struggle with allergies each season, we recommend evaluating your indoor air quality.
Indoor air can be more harmful than outdoor air and affect your home in more ways than one. Many factors contribute to indoor air quality in Rockville, such as air vents. Air vents can collect allergens and spread them around your home, which increases health symptoms. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of cleaning your air vents and good air quality.

What’s In My Air Vents?

Air vents collect just about everything, especially if they are located on your floor. Common particles that collect inside your vents are dust, hair, pollen, pet dander, and spider webs. Yes – you heard us right! You could be breathing in all or some of these particles in your home if your air vents are dirty.

Benefits Of Clean Air Vents

If you notice an increase of dust in your home, it may be time to clean your air vents! Allergens can accumulate on your vents and spread around your home, which decreases air quality and heightens allergies. Clean air vents present many benefits for you and your home, such as:

  • Increased Energy Efficiency
  • Cleaner Home
  • Improved Air Quality

Increased Energy Efficiency

If air vents are dirty or clogged, your heating and cooling unit struggles to push air through. Maintaining clean air vents can prevent an overworked unit and extra energy usage, which helps keep utility bills low.

Cleaner Home

Dirty air vents can result in a dirty home, which no homeowner wants. Clean vents can decrease dust accumulation around your home, which not only makes for a cleaner environment but a healthier one too!

Improved Air Quality

Indoor air quality is important for all residents, but especially those with respiratory conditions such as asthma. Cleaning air vents is one of the many tasks to improve air quality and keep your home an escape from the outdoor pollutants.

Air vents are the lungs of your home, and taking care of them will benefit your health and home in more ways than the three listed!

How To Clean Air Vents

Air vents can often be overlooked when making a home cleaning checklist. However, it is an important step to not skip out on. Cleaning your air vents is a simple and easy task to improve air quality in your home. If your air vents are noticeably collecting dust, it is time to clean them!

Step 1: Turn off power to your heating and cooling unit.

Step 2: Unscrew and remove vent covers.

Step 3: Use a rag or brush to clean vent covers. For a deeper clean, scrub with soap and water.

Step 4: Vacuum inside of ducts. Household vacuums will do the job, but heavy duty vacuums will clean small crevices.

Indoor Air Quality In Rockville

Cleaning your air vents can help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants such as dust. However, the air inside your home may contain much more than that. According to the Department of Environmental Protection for Montgomery County, top indoor air pollutants in Rockville include radon, mold, and VOCs. To determine if your home contains these pollutants, give one of our expert technicians a call! Glenmont offers indoor air quality testing in Rockville, along with a variety of other services such as:

  • Electronic Air Cleaners
  • Air Filters
  • Humidifiers
  • UV Lights

Stuffy noses and scratchy throats are usually blamed on seasonal allergies, but the culprit could just be pollutants within your indoor air. We are here to keep you and other residents in your home breathing easy every season. With clean air vents, your air filters will have to be changed less frequently, daily dust will be less noticeable, and everyone in your home will feel healthier. For air quality evaluation services in Montgomery County and surrounding areas, give us a call!

Should I Repair or Replace My HVAC System?

Does My AC System Need To Be Replaced or Can It Be Fixed?

When contemplating whether to repair or replace your HVAC system, there are a few factors to consider. Although repair may seem like the cheaper fix, it isn’t always the best option for your home. There are pros and cons to both repair and replacement, and we hope to help make your decision easier with these things to evaluate!


Depending on your situation, repairing your AC system can be the best solution. Typically, repair is the cheaper option when compared to replacement. Who doesn’t love to save money? One thing to understand in your decision to repair or replace is if repair is actually cheaper in the long run. Will this repair be a temporary fix? Does your system have frequent breakdowns? Your heating and cooling unit is much like your car. When your car breaks down, you take it to the body shop and have it fixed. If the car repair is unfixable or costly, buying a new car is a possible solution.


Unfortunately, even heating and cooling units have an expiration date. Replacing your HVAC system is an investment, but it does have benefits. If you are in the market to replace, your current system is likely causing you stress from breakdowns. Replacing as a whole can give homeowners peace of mind knowing they have a reliable unit in the summer and winter months. New HVAC units have higher efficiency which increases your overall comfort.

Things to Consider

We encourage you to consider these factors when deciding to repair or replace your HVAC system.

The Age of Your Unit.

HVAC systems typically last 10-15 years with proper maintenance. The chance of breakdowns and frequent repairs increase after your unit hits the 10 year mark. Considering this, if your unit is 10 years or older it is likely to continue needing repairs until it eventually gives out. Frequent repairs and technician calls can be expensive, which makes replacement a good option.

The Cost of the Repair.

Many HVAC technicians use the “$5,000 rule.” This rule of thumb multiplies the age of the unit by the repair cost, and if the total exceeds $5,000 it may be best to replace the unit. If the repair is inexpensive and your technician recommends this as the best option, repair could be your best choice.

The Efficiency of Your Unit.

Ask your Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating technician to evaluate your unit’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER) rating. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient your unit is. This rating can help determine your possible savings by replacing your unit.

How Long Will You Live in Your House?

Evaluate how long you plan on living in your home before buying a new unit. If you plan on living there for many years to come, replacement could be beneficial. If you are selling your home, a new HVAC unit can increase your resale value and many buyers ask for replacement.

The Cost of Your Energy Bills.

Older units may be the cause of high utility bills due the amount of energy they use. New units are more energy efficient, which can reduce your monthly energy bill.

We are committed to your comfort at Glenmont, which starts with a reliable heating and cooling system. Give us a call for one of our trained technicians to help determine if repair or replacement is best for you and your home!

Ductless Mini-Splits vs Central Air Conditioner – Which is Best?

When it comes to ductless mini-split air conditioners vs central air conditioning, there are a lot of factors to consider. Both have their pros and cons, and the best option for your home will depend on your specific needs. In this article, we will take a look at both ducted and ductless AC systems and help you decide which is the best option for you.

Genmont Air Conditioning & Heating has worked in numerous homes that do not have a traditional furnace. During the harsh winters, homeowners used baseboard heat or a boiler to get by.

When it’s hot outside with no air conditioning, there aren’t many options. You open windows at night, close shades on the east and west sides of the property on sunny days, turn up the fans to maximum speed, and gather around room or window air conditioners.

If the Rockville area summers are making you yearn for air conditioning, and you don’t currently have a duct system, there are two viable alternatives.

Install a forced-air cooling system – an air conditioner or heat pump – or invest in a ductless mini-split system.

Don’t know which option is cheaper? Are you curious about the installation process? Or how each one will change the appearance of your house? We’ll answer these and other questions at the conclusion of this essay, and we hope to assist you in selecting how to keep your home cool.

If You Already Have Ductwork

The first course of action is simple if you already have ductwork. The external device will require power, and a line set will be required to bring conditioned air down to the basement or lower level. After that, an air conditioner must be installed to push the cooled air throughout the house.

Because the ducts will most likely reach all of the rooms, chilly air will be available in every location. All you have to do now is purchase an air conditioner or a heat pump, and you’ll be well on your way to a more pleasant summer. In addition, both of these devices help to remove humidity from the internal air, resolving:

  • An overly warm top floor or finished attic
  • Musty and disgusting smells
  • Mold showing in damp areas
  • Family having breathing issues
  • A general decrease in comfort
  • Permanent window fog
  • Different floors are often completely different in temperature
  • Spiders, bug infestations, and cobwebs
  • Wooden furniture experiencing moisture damage
  • Water stains

Ductless mini-splits can be used in conjunction with central ductwork if it is already in place. However, they would be utilized room by room rather than as a whole-house remedy.

If You Don’t Have Ductwork

Ductwork installation is time-consuming and expensive. And that doesn’t include the price of a new air conditioner or heat pump.

An HVAC technician will need to design a ductwork system to cover the entire house. To all of the rooms, the ductwork will need to be retrofitted.

Then you have to factor in the cost of installing an air handler, air conditioner, heat pump, or gas furnace and air conditioner.

It’s not difficult to install whole-home ductwork in a ranch house with a full, unfinished basement. You may run the ductwork wherever you want.

If you have multi-levels, a basement, or a finished basement, it’ll be extremely invasive. The ductwork will need to pass through finished rooms. There will be cutting and moving and refinishing. It becomes filthy and expensive.

You cut out a space for the supply and return ducts in a closet or the nook of a room. Then it’s time to bring it up to the attic. It’s going to set you back some cash. After all that work, you’ll need to finish the job afterwards.

How long would it take to install ducts for an unfinished basement in a ranch home?

It might take two to four days to complete the whole system. The process of running ductwork is time-consuming. Installing the AC and air handler would take another six to eight hours.

We may always add a zoned system as we go. Electronically controlled dampers are an option for a zoned system. These can be partially closed to aid in the restriction of air movement into a specific room. The air pressure throughout the rest of the home would rise as a result of this.

Why Is Ductwork So Expensive to Install?

A basement run takes only a few minutes. However, you must cut the floor holes for supply and return registers. You must cut the holes for the return registers. Flex-duct is used by some businesses. You just pull it out and tie off each end, and you’re ready to go.

Sheet metal ductwork is used at Glenmont since it promotes airflow more than ribbed, flexible ductwork. It also takes a bit longer to install.

We can’t give a price since we’d have to run a lot of duct and make a lot of holes. The final work would need to be completed by another contractor.

The cost of a whole-house duct system can range from $6000 to $15,000. That’s starting at the low end for a baby ranch house with a small main trunk system.

Advantages of Installing Central Air Conditioning

Central air conditioning is your quickest, simplest, and most affordable way to cool your house if you already have existing ductwork.

The disadvantage is that you’ll have to run ductwork throughout the house. The advantage is that you’ll be able to reach each room if you must install ductwork in the whole home.

By using central air, you may quickly add equipment to improve the air quality. Humidifiers can make the dry winter months more enjoyable. Air purification systems can get rid of germs, odors, allergens, pet dander, and other pollutants. Your entire home will be healthier and cleaner as a result of this renovation project.

The cost of an air conditioner unit is less than that of a ductless. The cost of a new AC for a house ranges from $4,500 to $13,000. This covers labor and regulatory costs. Variable-speed AC systems are among the different system sizes and levels of sophistication covered by this range.

If you’re leaning towards a heat pump, the cost is comparable. The price of a new heat pump ranges from $4,900 to $12,500. This time period covers the equipment expense, labor costs, and any other expenses. This range includes variable-capacity heat pump systems in a variety of system sizes and degrees of sophistication.

A typical air conditioner costs between $2900 and $5800. This fee includes installation. The price variation is due to the unit’s capacity and type of blower it has. Heat strips are another $300 to $600 in addition to the unit’s price.

Disadvantages of Installing Central Air Conditioning Without Ducts

A duct may have to run through your living room. Installers will cut two holes in the floor and run ducts throughout in order for it to function. It will be intrusive.

Let’s pretend we’re examining a fully completed basement in a three-story home. What would happen?

We have to either run the ductwork beneath the existing finished ceiling in the basement to install supply registers on the first floor. Alternatively, we’ll have to run the ducts above the completed ceiling or rip out the ceiling to place them up in the joist space. Another contractor will need to clean up any holes we make.

If we want to get to the second floor, we’ll either have to climb up the walls and across the ceilings of the first floor. Then there’s another set of holes. We’ll also need to create holes for both supply and return air.

Unless you’ve got the system zoned, you’ll have to choose where to put a thermostat. The thermostat does not know what temperature is in every room. Air conditioning can be used with zoning, but it isn’t as efficient as ductless mini-splits for zoning.

Advantages of Ductless Mini-Splits

  • They are less invasive. They may enter areas where there are no existing ducts. This can’t be overstated. Ductless mini-splits have a flexibility central air conditioning doesn’t come close to matching..
  • Each head is picked to whatever temperature you choose. (One note of caution: They all must be set to cool or warm. You can’t have one that’s cooling and another that’s heating.)
  • In most cases, they are. The head is installed on the wall, and a small hole is cut in it for the refrigerant line. We conceal that refrigerant line because it is hidden behind a line hide.
  • The process of connecting ductwork to the system is far faster than that of installing ducts. You’ll have immediate heating and cooling just as you wish, and you may manage the units using your phone with the mobile app. (You can do this with a high-end AC/heat pump and thermostat, too.)
  • They heat and cool. Yes, A heat pump can do the same, though they will struggle during extreme cold.
  • Ductless technology is one of the most energy-efficient technologies available. The lower end of ductless systems has a SEER rating of 16 – 18. Some of the more expensive devices reach into the 30s. There is no way that an air conditioner or heat pump can compete with these products when it comes to efficiency. A higher SEER rating is preferable, and it consumes less power.
  • Ductless heating/cooling systems are simpler to regulate since they don’t need a main supply line. You can set the temperature on each head individually.
  • Variable-speed compressors are common in small-capacity mini-splits, allowing them to run as much or little as necessary. In contrast to most (but not all) central air units, which have only one or two speeds and must be switched on and off more frequently.

Disadvantages of Ductless Mini-Splits

  • You won’t be able to perform complete-house humidification, air purification, or dehumidification with ductless. The ductless system includes some humidity and cleaning abilities. (The ductless does include some dehumidification and filtering capabilities.)
  • Some people can’t get over that thing on their wall. No question that it will be obvious in every room in which it’s mounted, whereas vents can be more unobtrusive.
  • You need a ductless air conditioner with heat strips if you have no ducts or don’t want to use them. They’re efficient when it comes to heating, but there’s no backup heat. When it gets really cold, you’ll wish you had an air handler with electric heat strips and some emergency heat. A long period of intense cold will significantly increase your electricity bill.
  • Central airflow is not created by ductless. It does not move air throughout the property, resulting in unventilated rooms that will not receive conditioned air. Only specific areas will be cooled/heated to precise comfort levels.

The Next Step Is Up to You

It’s a difficult choice between running ductwork and installing centralized air conditioning in a retrofitted home without ducts. You must compare both alternatives and choose the one that is best suited to you. In general, a ducted system in the basement is generally more appealing than a ductless mini-split system in a house with a full basement and just one floor.

If you have multiple levels and no locations where ductwork may be run, ductless technology may be a more appealing option.

You should now have a much better notion of which option is right for you. For others, the answer may be a combination of both, with a central air system servicing the majority of the property while a mini-split unit serves a specific area or room that is difficult to heat and cool.

If you’d like to speak with an HVAC professional in person about your choices even more, and if you live in the Rockville, MD area, contact us to book a free in-home consultation. Glenmont will answer any questions you have and assist you in selecting a solution that meets your demands.