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Author: Kevin

Types Of Air Filters

People sometimes expect their home’s indoor air to be cleaner than the air outdoors, but the opposite is often true. It’s common for households in Rockville, MD and the surrounding communities to have poor indoor air quality due to traces of allergens and pollutants and, in some cases, higher concentrations of airborne contaminants than outside air. Poor indoor air quality is why it is important to install a quality air filter in Rockville.

An air filter is a vital component within your home’s HVAC system. In this blog, we share what you should know about your air conditioning or furnace filter and how to choose the best one for your residence.

Why Is Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Important?

It’s possible for your home’s air to have more pollution than outdoors because of the contaminants circulating through the property. People engage in many daily, unassuming activities that contribute to poor indoor air quality, including:

  • Smoking
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning with chemical cleaners
  • Lighting scented candles
  • Painting

Indoor air can also contain particles from furniture and construction materials. Viruses, bacteria, and mold are also in indoor air at various concentration levels.

Exposure to these particles can trigger a broad range of health issues. Depending on the allergens and pollutants you inhale, you could develop allergy-like symptoms, like a runny nose, itchy eyes, cough, or headaches. However, prolonged exposure to harmful airborne particles can lead to respiratory illnesses, heart conditions, and asthma attacks. You can enjoy clean, fresh air and minimize your risk of getting sick or uncomfortable inside your home by using a quality air filter.

What Are the Benefits of Air Filters In Rockville, MD?

As your HVAC system circulates the air throughout your home, it pushes air through an air filter on the unit’s intake vent. As air goes through, the screen traps airborne particles to reduce the amount of allergens circulating around your house. Some of the particles filters can catch include:

  • Pet dander
  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Lint
  • Smoke and smog
  • Pollen
  • Dirt

While air filters improve air quality, they also boost your household’s energy efficiency and comfort.

A dirty air filter won’t trap much debris, because the particles on the screen will restrict airflow from the HVAC system. As a result, the air conditioner or furnace will overwork itself to force air through the dirty pores. The overworked unit will then use extra energy to maintain the temperature on the thermostat despite the airflow restriction, leading to higher energy costs and reduced indoor comfort.

One of the primary maintenance tasks for heating and cooling units is air filter replacement. The longer you run the HVAC system with a dirty filter, the more likely it is to develop premature wear and tear. Many air conditioning and furnace problems are preventable if you change the filter regularly.

Homeowners should change their air filters at least once every three months. If you or someone in the household has asthma or another respiratory issue, like allergies, it may be best to replace the filter once a month for a cleaner environment.

What Are The Different Types Of Air Filters?

At Glenmont Heating and Air, we proudly offer various quality air filters in Potomac, MD and surrounding areas. Filters are available in several forms, with varying particle trapping abilities. Pleated and fiberglass filters are among the most common for Rockville residents, but they aren’t the only options.

Pleated Filters

Pleated air filters have folded polyester or cotton sheets within a cardboard frame. The material inside the frame has small pores to catch tiny particles to improve indoor air quality.

Since they can trap small particles, pleated air filters tend to be costly. Their small pores also create a higher airflow resistance, making it more difficult for HVAC units to push air through them.

Fiberglass Filters

A more affordable air filter option is the fiberglass variety. The screen has several fiberglass layers inside a metal grate and frame.

Unlike pleated filters, fiberglass air filters aren’t suitable for catching small particles. The screens can catch a little more than 15% of particles between 3.0 and 10.00 microns, like pollen and dust. They can improve your home’s indoor air quality, but not as efficiently as other screens.

HEPA Filters

High-efficiency particulate air filters are one of the best on the market. They remove over 99.95% of airborne contaminants, including smoke, dust, and bacteria.

HEPA filters are costly and unsuitable for some HVAC systems. Still, if you have an allergy or serious respiratory problem, it may be worth investing in an air purifier that takes HEPA filters for a healthy living environment.

Reusable Filters

A reusable or washable filter often looks like a fiberglass or pleated screen, but you can clean and reuse it. Though it costs more upfront to purchase a reusable air filter, it will save you money long-term because you won’t have to buy filters every 90 days.

Cleaning a washable filter is simple. Use a vacuum to remove dirt and rinse it to eliminate lingering impurities. You must let the screen dry fully before reinstalling it to prevent mold and bacteria from accumulating on the damp surface, which can reduce your home’s indoor air quality.

What Is the Importance Of A MERV Rating?

As you research different air filter types and brands, you’ll see they all carry a MERV rating. The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating is how the industry measures a filter’s ability to do its job.

The MERV rating scale goes from 1 to 20, with 20 being the most efficient. The higher the rating, the better the air filter will trap pollutants and allergens. For example, most fiberglass filters have a MERV of one to four. Pleated and HEPA filters have ratings of five to 13 and 17 or higher.

However, most homes should utilize air filters with 8-10 MERV. This rating will effectively catch particles and maintain good indoor air quality, while also keeping an efficient air conditioning and furnace system. Much like a clogged filter, high MERV filters have small filter pores and some HVAC units use more energy to push air through. We recommend leaving high MERV filters to necessary sterile buildings, such as hospitals.

Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality With Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating.

Besides installing air filters in Rockville, MD, our top-rated and well-trained technicians offer superior indoor air quality solutions to all customers, like air purifiers, electronic air cleaners, and humidifiers.

Our skilled crew has over 35 years of experience providing the best heating, cooling, and ventilation services to the community, including 24/7 emergency HVAC repairs. Your satisfaction is our guarantee and top priority. Call (301) 468-2665 to request an appointment with Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating today.

Tips To Prepare Your AC For Summer

Summer weather is finally here in Montgomery County, what are you most looking forward to? Some choose to spend time outdoors soaking in the sun at Rock Creek Regional Park, while others beat the heat with local brews at 7 Locks Brewing. Among all of the planned summer activities, your air conditioning unit is keeping your home cool and comfortable for your return. However, it is important your AC system is prepared for the workload the summer season brings. In this article, we discuss tips to prepare your air conditioning unit for summer in Rockville, MD to avoid a breakdown or costly AC repairs!

Why Is It Important To Prepare Your AC Unit?

Summer temperatures in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas can reach high 90’s, which means air conditioning is a necessity. While your air conditioner is built to combat high temperatures, it is not built to operate with malfunctions and obstructions. Common malfunctions and obstructions can include clogged air filters, a dirty condensing unit, or a broken component. If your AC system is operating with an underlying issue or obstruction, it causes it to work harder to maintain your home’s thermostat setting. This can raise utility bills and lead to an AC breakdown in Rockville, MD, which is uncomfortable and costly. It is important to take proper steps to prepare your air conditioner to ensure it remains efficient and effective all summer long.

Preparing Your Air Conditioner For Summer

It is essential for homeowners to ensure their air conditioner is working properly before the summer season is in full swing, because it helps ensure their comfort will remain during the high temperatures. A broken air conditioner and a Rockville summer is not a great combination, and we recommend you do everything you can to avoid this situation! Below are five ways homeowners can help prepare their AC system for the summer season.

  • Schedule AC Maintenance
  • Change Air Filters
  • Install A Programmable Thermostat
  • Remove Debris From Outdoor Unit
  • Open Air Vents

Schedule AC Maintenance

Air conditioning maintenance is the best way to ensure your unit is prepared for the workload of the spring and summer seasons. When your car needs maintenance, most take it to the professionals to be worked on. When you are sick, most go to a doctor for a diagnosis. We encourage homeowners to treat their air conditioning system the same way as any other important appliance or necessary appointment, because it is one of the main sources of comfort in your home. Air conditioning maintenance allows a trained Glenmont technician to thoroughly inspect each aspect of the system. Our team can identify any underlying malfunctions and prevent future problems from arising. The preventative service avoids an uncomfortable situation and can save you time, money, and stress in the future. Different air conditioning systems require different repairs and maintenance, but each air conditioner will receive the following maintenance tasks during an appointment with Glenmont Heating and Air Conditioning:

  • Lubricate all moving parts
  • Calibrate thermostat
  • Change/clean air filters
  • Inspect & clean condensate line
  • Clean condensing unit
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Confirm electrical connections

Air conditioning maintenance in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas can ensure your home is a comfortable oasis from the heat this summer!

Change Air Filters

The air filters in your home can determine many aspects, such as air quality, airflow, comfort, and efficiency. During the cooling process, your air conditioner sends air through an air filter to catch harmful pollutants before air is distributed throughout your home. Overtime, the air filter can fill up with pollutants and allergens and need to be changed out with a fresh, new filter. If your air conditioning system is operating with a dirty filter, the unit struggles to push air through the filter pores. This results in an increased workload for your air conditioner, which creates stress and a possible breakdown or broken component. Additionally, clogged air filters allow more pollutants to slip by and decrease your home’s air quality. We recommend changing air filters in your home every 90 days to ensure air conditioning efficiency, air quality, and provide other benefits to your home. If you are unsure what air filter your home requires, give us a call! Glenmont proudly offers a wide range of air filters in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas to keep you breathing easy at home.

Install A Programmable Thermostat

Many homeowners look to reduce utility costs in the summer months due to high bills. If you are looking for ways to lower your air conditioning bill in Rockville, MD, consider a programmable or smart thermostat! These thermostats operate on pre-programmed schedules to help reduce unnecessary home cooling. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, lowering your thermostat 7-10 degrees for 8 hours a day can reduce heating and cooling bills by as much as 10%. It can be difficult to remember to turn your thermostat back before leaving for work or going to sleep, but programmable and smart thermostats help with this tedious task!

Remove Debris From Outdoor Unit

An easy task homeowners can do to increase air conditioning efficiency this summer is ensure the outdoor condensing unit remains clean and clear of debris. Debris such as tree limbs, sticks, grass clippings, leaves, and trash can obstruct the unit’s airflow and cause it to work harder. While we do not recommend cleaning debris from the inside of the unit, homeowners should remove accessible debris weekly to keep your air conditioner running smoothly!

Open Air Vents

Contrary to popular belief, closing air vents will not reduce heating and cooling costs. If you close air vents around your home, it increases pressure in the air ducts and can lead to cracked ductwork. If your air ducts have holes or cracks, air can easily escape before it makes it to your home. Air escaping increases the amount of cool air your air conditioner needs to produce to meet the thermostat setting, which increases the unit’s workload. Additionally, it is beneficial for homeowners to seal other cracks within walls, windows, and doors before the summer season to prevent air from escaping.

Not only will properly preparing your air conditioner help avoid AC repairs and breakdowns, but reduce utility bills as well! We are here to keep you cool and comfortable this summer, so give us a call to schedule AC maintenance in Bethesda, MD and surrounding areas!

Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality

As we wave goodbye to the snow and cold weather, many Rockville residents ecstatically welcome the spring temperatures. However, the spring season is often paired with the arrival of allergy season. If you struggle with seasonal allergies, you are familiar with the tree pollen floating through the air and triggering allergy symptoms. The pollen outdoors and allergens inside your home can make for a very uncomfortable spring season for some, but the Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating team can help! In this blog, we discuss ways to lower allergy symptoms and improve indoor air quality in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas.

What Allergens Are In Your Home?

Do you know what you are breathing inside your home? Harmful pollutants may be floating through the air and causing a variety of negative health impacts and symptoms. More often than not, indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air due to the lack of ventilation. Allergens can build up inside your home and cause your seasonal allergies to worsen. It is important to know which pollutants are in your home, because it helps a Glenmont technician find a helpful home solution. Below we have listed common indoor air pollutants in Rockville, MD homes according to the Montgomery County, MD Department of Environmental Protection.

  • Mold & Mildew
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Dust
  • Pet Dander
  • Smoke
  • Radon
  • Asbestos

How Does Poor Indoor Air Quality Affect Your Health?

Most homeowners spend a large amount of their time at home, which means breathing in possible pollutants floating through the air. If your home has poor air quality, it could be affecting your health and causing uncomfortable allergy symptoms year-round. Many factors contribute to air quality beyond indoor pollutants, such as humidity. Low and high humidity can enhance negative health symptoms and increase potential air pollutants. Below are ways poor indoor air quality in Rockville, MD can affect your health.

  • Dry/Cracked Skin
  • Increased Susceptibility To Illnesses
  • Irritated Eyes
  • Runny Nose
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness

If you or someone in your home struggles with respiratory problems, such as asthma, poor air quality can heighten symptoms and lead to long-term health effects. We strongly encourage homeowners to maintain positive indoor air quality year-round, especially in the spring when allergy symptoms are present due to pollen!

How To Improve Air Quality In Your Home

While we can’t get rid of the pollen outside your home, we can help lower indoor air pollutants floating around your home. At Glenmont Air Conditioning and Heating, we offer a variety of indoor air quality services in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas. Below are services we can provide for your home to help you breathe easy each season.

  • Quality Air Filters
  • Humidifiers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Electronic Air Cleaners
  • UV Light Systems

Quality Air Filters

The air filters in your home are responsible for filtering harmful pollutants before they enter the air you breathe. The two main types of air filters are fiberglass and pleated, and both have different ranges of minimum efficiency reporting values. (MERV) MERV measures the filter’s effectiveness to catch pollutants that pass through. The higher the MERV rating, the more allergens, small and large, the filter can catch and the cleaner your air will be. At Glenmont Air Conditioning and Heating, we offer a variety of quality air filters to help improve indoor air quality in your home. We can help identify the best air filter and MERV rating that suits your needs and remains in your budget.


Contrary to popular belief, humidity isn’t always a bad feeling! Good indoor air quality relies on 30-50% humidity in your home each season. During the winter and early spring months, humidity can be low in Montgomery County, MD and negatively impact you and your home. Humidifying systems can add extra moisture back into the air and contribute to overall air quality. Give us a call to learn more about installing a humidifier in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas!


While Maryland can have low humidity, Rockville can also see high humidity throughout the summer and early fall season. High humidity can encourage mold and mildew growth, which can cause uncomfortable health symptoms to you and other residents. Dehumidifying systems remove excess moisture in the air and can help control humidity levels throughout your home. Let a Glenmont technician install a quality dehumidifier in Rockville, MD to help improve indoor air quality!

Electronic Air Cleaners

Electronic air cleaners, also known as electronic air purifiers, work to remove a variety of airborne contaminants traveling through your air. The device traps large pollutants in a prefilter, while electrically charged filters catch smaller particles before they can circulate through your home. Electronic air cleaners in your Rockville home combined with traditional air filters can dramatically improve air quality and keep your air clean year-round!

UV Light Systems

UV light systems work to kill harmful pollutants such as mold, bacteria, and mildew. The system emits ultraviolet rays to destroy the allergens and keep them from negatively impacting your health and air quality. Pollutants such as mold can cause severe allergic reactions and risk long-term health effects. A Glenmont technician is happy to install a UV light system in Rockville, MD to keep you breathing easy in your home!

While we offer many indoor air quality services, there are other simple ways for you to improve indoor air quality, such as:

  • Maintaining Clean Air Filters
  • Grooming Pets Outdoors
  • Improving Ventilation In Your Home
  • Regularly Dusting
  • Use Natural Cleaning Chemicals

Your health is one of our top priorities at Glenmont Air Conditioning and Heating. We encourage homeowners to take action to improve indoor air quality, whether by simple maintenance tasks or installing a beneficial air quality device. Additionally, scheduling AC maintenance can further improve indoor air quality by allowing a trained technician to clean the inside and outside of your air conditioning unit. To schedule AC maintenance in Rockville, MD or learn about Glenmont’s indoor air quality services, give us a call!

Tips To Lower Heating Bills

Wintertime in Rockville is a magical time, and we encourage our neighbors to get out and enjoy each day! There are many winter activities to enjoy, such as ice skating outdoors in the town square. After a chilly activity, it is important to have a warm home waiting for your arrival. However, it can be costly to maintain a cozy home all winter for some. We believe comfort should always be available for our customers and never at a high price. In this blog, we discuss tips to lower your heating bills in Rockville, MD and surrounding areas.

What Causes High Heating Bills?

High heating bills can be caused by a variety of factors due to the many components within a heating system. If one component is malfunctioning or obstructed, it can cause the whole system to struggle to effectively and efficiently heat your home. No matter the cause, your heating bill has likely spiked due to something causing it to use more energy. Simply put – the harder your heating system has to work, the more energy it will use, and the higher your bills will be.

As we mentioned, heating bills can spike due to many causes. Below are five reasons your heating bill is higher than normal.

  • Poor Insulation
  • Aging Heating Unit
  • Thermostat Issues
  • Dirty Air Filters
  • Blocked/Dirty Unit

How To Keep Heating Costs Low

Heating and cooling units take up nearly half of the average homeowner’s utility bill. Both systems have large workloads to constantly keep your home comfortable. However, heating and cooling costs can be kept at a minimum depending on maintenance given. There are a variety of simple tasks homeowners can do to maintain low heating bills throughout the winter. Below are five ways to keep your heating bill low in Bethesda, MD.

  • Regularly Change Air Filters
  • Install A Programmable Thermostat
  • Ensure Unit Is Clean & Clear
  • Seal & Insulate Your Home
  • Utilize Ceiling Fans

Regularly Change Air Filters

Air filters determine many aspects about your home, such as comfort, air quality, airflow, and utility bills. The main job of an air filter is to catch pollutants and debris to prevent allergens from entering your home. Over time, filters build up with dust and other pollutants and need to be changed. If air filters around your home are clogged, your heating unit struggles to efficiently push air through. This can result in your heating unit using more energy to effectively meet the thermostat setting, which raises utility bills. We recommend changing air filters at least every 3 months to maximize energy efficiency and minimize utility costs. We understand changing air filters regularly can be a tedious task, but we promise it is worth it when compared to facing a heating unit breakdown!

Install A Programmable Thermostat

The closer your thermostat is set to the outdoor temperature, the more you will save on heating costs. For winter, this means maintaining a low thermostat temperature as much as possible. We aim for our customers to have the best of both worlds, which is low heating bills and a warm home. To achieve this, we recommend lowering your thermostat setting during the work day and while residents are sleeping at night. However, adjusting the thermostat is the last thing on many homeowner’s minds when rushing out the door in the mornings.

Programmable thermostats are useful home devices to help maintain your comfort and desired heating costs. The thermostat operates on a pre-programmed schedule and automatically adjusts your home’s temperature due to your preferences. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, programmable thermostats can save as much as 10% on heating and cooling costs. We believe programmable thermostats are a smart home investment due to the convenience and benefits the device can provide!

Ensure Unit Is Clean & Clear

Your heating unit needs room to operate and breathe, which can be hard if objects are blocking airflow. If your heating unit is located outdoors, we recommend ensuring debris such as tree branches and leaves are cleared off of the system. For indoor units, be sure to keep personal items at least 30 inches away from the unit and avoid stacking objects on top. Additionally, we recommend regularly dusting indoor heating units. Ensuring your heating system is clean and clear allows it to perform efficiently and use minimal energy to operate.

Seal & Insulate Your Home

If warm air is escaping, your heating unit has to work harder to make up for lost heat. Air can easily escape through an uninsulated attic and cracks in windows and doors. According to EnergyStar, the EPA suggests sealing and insulating can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs. We recommend adding insulation to spaces such as attics, garages, crawlspaces, and other unheated areas. Additionally, a cost effective way to seal air leaks around your home is by caulking or weather stripping.

Utilize Ceiling Fans

Yes, you heard us right! To maintain low heating costs, use your ceiling fans this winter. Ceiling fans can rotate in different directions by simply flipping a switch on the side of the fan. In the winter, your fan should be rotating clockwise to create an upward draft. This draft helps relocate trapped warm air near the ceiling downward, which helps create a comfortable environment. This process allows homeowners to lower their thermostat setting without feeling a temperature difference. The lower the thermostat setting, the more you will save!

Keeping our neighbors warm and cozy this winter is one of our top priorities. Consider these simple tips to help maintain low heating costs and a comfortable environment! For heating repair or maintenance Rockville, MD and surrounding areas, give one of Glenmont’s trusted technicians a call!

Can A New Furnace Save Money?

A new furnace is an investment for your home. New furnace models have improved in efficiency and other heating settings for your convenience and comfort. While costly upfront, the new system can provide many benefits to you and your home when compared to older furnace models. In this blog, we will discuss the difference between new and old furnaces and how a new furnace can save you money.

What’s The Difference Between New & Old Furnaces?

While new and old models of furnaces operate similarly, new improvements have made the two systems differ in many ways. Older furnaces may maintain comfort and properly heat your home, but at what cost each month? Upgrading to a new furnace can save money in the long run while providing many benefits for your enjoyment. Below are three specific differences between old and new furnaces.

  • Fuel Sources
  • Venting
  • Blowers

Fuel Sources

While not always, older furnaces typically use electricity to generate heat. Electric furnaces cost more to operate each month when compared to new model gas furnaces. Gas furnaces are the most common heating option homeowners utilize in the U.S.


Older and newer furnaces differ in the way the unit vents combustible gasses. Older furnaces typically vent gasses through vents that exit out of the roof of homes. Newer furnaces utilize more heat from the gasses produced and require a different venting process. Today’s models of furnaces vent gasses out of the side of homes using PVC pipes.


Typically older models of furnaces contain a fixed-speed blower, which indicates the unit runs when it’s cold and shuts off when it is not. While this is an effective heating method, variable-speed blowers on new furnaces perform more efficiently. Variable-speed blowers operate at different speeds to precisely control the amount of air distributed into your home.

Is A New Furnace Worth It?

If you are thinking of installing a new furnace, you have likely wondered if the investment is worth the expense. Winters in Rockville can be chilly, which is why a functioning heating system is important. Additionally, the low temperatures can result in high heating costs. Simply put – a new furnace can save you money and here is why.

New models of furnaces are highly efficient and can keep your monthly heating bills low. The goal to achieve high efficiency is for all the fuel burned to be turned into heat for your home. However, this is not always the case and where efficiency is lost. If your furnace is 80% efficient, 20% of the fuel input is wasted. The higher efficiency of your furnace, the less you waste and the more money you save. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating system efficiency upgrades can cut your fuel bills and your furnace’s pollution output by 50%.

Benefits Of A New Furnace

There can be many advantages to installing a new furnace other than achieving high efficiency. New models of furnaces have upgraded many components to better benefit you and your home. Below we have listed 5 benefits of installing a new furnace in Rockville, Maryland.

  • Improved Comfort
  • Quieter Operation
  • Fewer Repairs
  • Peace Of Mind
  • Increased Airflow

Improved Comfort

As systems age, it can become less efficient. Investing in a new furnace can provide more consistent heat throughout your home and decrease on random hot and cold spots. A new furnace will increase home comfort and keep you cozy all winter long.

Quieter Operation

Most furnaces are designed to maximize comfort, which includes noise. New models of furnaces can reduce operational noises and provide a quieter, peaceful environment for your home.

Fewer Repairs

Older furnaces typically require more frequent repairs due to the wear and tear on components. This can result in more damaged parts, which requires the unit to work harder and raise energy costs. New furnaces simply require less repairs because of their age and new components.

Peace Of Mind

A heating unit breakdown is a homeowner’s worst nightmare in the winter, because of the discomfort it can cause. Older units are more prone to breakdowns, whereas newer units are more reliable to effectively heat your home all winter.

Increased Airflow

New furnaces will improve airflow by its ability to circulate air throughout the ventilation system. This can provide cleaner and more consistent airflow for your comfort.

Furnace Financing Options

We understand a new furnace is a costly expense upfront, which is why we offer financing options to our customers. You should never have to financially worry about staying comfortable in your home. Visit our financing page to learn more about how you can affordably install a new furnace.

Our top priority is keeping you warm and cozy in your home this winter season. If you are thinking about replacing your furnace in Rockville and surrounding areas, give us a call! Our expert technicians can replace and install any make or model of furnace and keep your home comfortable.

HVAC Tips For Winter

A reliable heating system is a necessity in the cold winters of Rockville. Without proper care, you may experience frequent heating repairs or breakdowns leaving your home chilly and uncomfortable. Homeowners can take preventative maintenance steps to ensure your heating unit is dependable all season long. In this blog, we will discuss helpful HVAC tips to keep your home warm and cozy.

Preventative Heating Steps

Taking proper steps to ensure your heating unit is working efficiently and effectively will help keep you comfortable this winter. Below are six simple HVAC tips to prepare your heating unit for the cold temperatures.

  • Regularly Change Air Filter
  • Clean Air Vents
  • Seal Air Leaks
  • Clear Heating Unit
  • Schedule Heating Maintenance
  • Winterize AC Unit

Regularly Change Air Filter

Each air filter in your home should be changed at least every 90 days. A dirty air filter can harm many factors about your home, such as airflow, indoor air quality, and efficiency. If your filters are clogged, warm air struggles to be pushed through the filter pores. This results in your heating unit using more energy and can lead to a breakdown. Not only will your utility bills rise, but your air quality will decrease due to extra pollutants passing through. With illnesses being more common in the winter, it is important to regularly change your air filter to stay healthy.

Clean Air Vents

Similar to air filters, dirty air vents can cause your heating unit to become overworked. Dirty air vents can spread dust and other allergens around your home, which harms air quality and cleanliness of your home. Built up dust and other debris causes your heating unit to struggle to push air through the vents and can create future problems for your unit. To clean your air vents, remove the vent covers and wipe them down with a rag. Next, take your vacuum and remove excess dust and debris inside your vents.

Seal Air Leaks

Windows, walls, doors, and other openings can result in air leaks inside your home. Your heating unit works hard to meet the thermostat setting inside your home, but struggles to do so if air is escaping. Air leaks can raise energy bills due to the increased workload for your heating system. An easy and cost effective way to seal air leaks in your home is by caulking and weather stripping around openings in your home where you suspect an air leak may be.

Clean Heating Unit

Obstructed heating units can harm efficiency and energy usage. For indoor heating systems, be sure to remove personal items from on and around the unit. Additionally, remove excess dust and other debris. For outdoor units, remove leaves, grass clippings, branches, and other debris from the outside of the unit. Cleaning your heating unit will ensure your unit can operate effectively and maintain proper airflow.

Schedule Heating Maintenance

The most effective way to ensure your heating unit is ready to keep you comfortable this winter is by having maintenance performed by a Glenmont technician. Heating maintenance allows a professional to inspect your heating unit for any malfunctions, obstructions, or needed repairs. We can repair and replace any components while performing preventative tasks. You will experience less repairs and uncomfortable breakdowns by scheduling heating maintenance in Rockville with a Glemont technician!

Winterize AC Unit

Be sure to not forget about your air conditioning unit in the winter even though they are not used! Air conditioners are one of the most important appliances in your home, which is why proper care must be given year-round. To properly winterize your AC unit, turn off power and clean visible debris. Next, purchase a protective cover to keep out pests, dirt, and moisture. After each snow and frost, remove snow and ice from the top of the unit even if there is a cover. These steps will ensure your air conditioner is ready the moment you need it in the spring and can help avoid costly repairs!

Benefits Of Preparing Your HVAC System For Winter

While these six HVAC tips can seem tedious, they will pay off in the long run. Properly preparing your heating system for the winter temperatures and the heating demand can provide many benefits for your home, such as:

  • Lower Utility Bills
  • Increased Unit Efficiency
  • Improved Air Quality
  • Better Home Comfort
  • Fewer Repairs

We are here to help keep your home warm and cozy this winter, so consider these six simple tips! Each one of them will help your heating unit perform efficiently and avoid problems down the road. For heating repair and maintenance in Rockville and surrounding areas, give us a call! Our trained technicians can repair all types of heating units in a timely and professional manner.

How To Clean The Air Vents In Your Home

If you struggle with allergies each season, we recommend evaluating your indoor air quality.
Indoor air can be more harmful than outdoor air and affect your home in more ways than one. Many factors contribute to indoor air quality in Rockville, such as air vents. Air vents can collect allergens and spread them around your home, which increases health symptoms. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of cleaning your air vents and good air quality.

What’s In My Air Vents?

Air vents collect just about everything, especially if they are located on your floor. Common particles that collect inside your vents are dust, hair, pollen, pet dander, and spider webs. Yes – you heard us right! You could be breathing in all or some of these particles in your home if your air vents are dirty.

Benefits Of Clean Air Vents

If you notice an increase of dust in your home, it may be time to clean your air vents! Allergens can accumulate on your vents and spread around your home, which decreases air quality and heightens allergies. Clean air vents present many benefits for you and your home, such as:

  • Increased Energy Efficiency
  • Cleaner Home
  • Improved Air Quality

Increased Energy Efficiency

If air vents are dirty or clogged, your heating and cooling unit struggles to push air through. Maintaining clean air vents can prevent an overworked unit and extra energy usage, which helps keep utility bills low.

Cleaner Home

Dirty air vents can result in a dirty home, which no homeowner wants. Clean vents can decrease dust accumulation around your home, which not only makes for a cleaner environment but a healthier one too!

Improved Air Quality

Indoor air quality is important for all residents, but especially those with respiratory conditions such as asthma. Cleaning air vents is one of the many tasks to improve air quality and keep your home an escape from the outdoor pollutants.

Air vents are the lungs of your home, and taking care of them will benefit your health and home in more ways than the three listed!

How To Clean Air Vents

Air vents can often be overlooked when making a home cleaning checklist. However, it is an important step to not skip out on. Cleaning your air vents is a simple and easy task to improve air quality in your home. If your air vents are noticeably collecting dust, it is time to clean them!

Step 1: Turn off power to your heating and cooling unit.

Step 2: Unscrew and remove vent covers.

Step 3: Use a rag or brush to clean vent covers. For a deeper clean, scrub with soap and water.

Step 4: Vacuum inside of ducts. Household vacuums will do the job, but heavy duty vacuums will clean small crevices.

Indoor Air Quality In Rockville

Cleaning your air vents can help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants such as dust. However, the air inside your home may contain much more than that. According to the Department of Environmental Protection for Montgomery County, top indoor air pollutants in Rockville include radon, mold, and VOCs. To determine if your home contains these pollutants, give one of our expert technicians a call! Glenmont offers indoor air quality testing in Rockville, along with a variety of other services such as:

  • Electronic Air Cleaners
  • Air Filters
  • Humidifiers
  • UV Lights

Stuffy noses and scratchy throats are usually blamed on seasonal allergies, but the culprit could just be pollutants within your indoor air. We are here to keep you and other residents in your home breathing easy every season. With clean air vents, your air filters will have to be changed less frequently, daily dust will be less noticeable, and everyone in your home will feel healthier. For air quality evaluation services in Montgomery County and surrounding areas, give us a call!

Should I Repair or Replace My HVAC System?

Does My AC System Need To Be Replaced or Can It Be Fixed?

When contemplating whether to repair or replace your HVAC system, there are a few factors to consider. Although repair may seem like the cheaper fix, it isn’t always the best option for your home. There are pros and cons to both repair and replacement, and we hope to help make your decision easier with these things to evaluate!


Depending on your situation, repairing your AC system can be the best solution. Typically, repair is the cheaper option when compared to replacement. Who doesn’t love to save money? One thing to understand in your decision to repair or replace is if repair is actually cheaper in the long run. Will this repair be a temporary fix? Does your system have frequent breakdowns? Your heating and cooling unit is much like your car. When your car breaks down, you take it to the body shop and have it fixed. If the car repair is unfixable or costly, buying a new car is a possible solution.


Unfortunately, even heating and cooling units have an expiration date. Replacing your HVAC system is an investment, but it does have benefits. If you are in the market to replace, your current system is likely causing you stress from breakdowns. Replacing as a whole can give homeowners peace of mind knowing they have a reliable unit in the summer and winter months. New HVAC units have higher efficiency which increases your overall comfort.

Things to Consider

We encourage you to consider these factors when deciding to repair or replace your HVAC system.

The Age of Your Unit.

HVAC systems typically last 10-15 years with proper maintenance. The chance of breakdowns and frequent repairs increase after your unit hits the 10 year mark. Considering this, if your unit is 10 years or older it is likely to continue needing repairs until it eventually gives out. Frequent repairs and technician calls can be expensive, which makes replacement a good option.

The Cost of the Repair.

Many HVAC technicians use the “$5,000 rule.” This rule of thumb multiplies the age of the unit by the repair cost, and if the total exceeds $5,000 it may be best to replace the unit. If the repair is inexpensive and your technician recommends this as the best option, repair could be your best choice.

The Efficiency of Your Unit.

Ask your Glenmont Air Conditioning & Heating technician to evaluate your unit’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER) rating. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient your unit is. This rating can help determine your possible savings by replacing your unit.

How Long Will You Live in Your House?

Evaluate how long you plan on living in your home before buying a new unit. If you plan on living there for many years to come, replacement could be beneficial. If you are selling your home, a new HVAC unit can increase your resale value and many buyers ask for replacement.

The Cost of Your Energy Bills.

Older units may be the cause of high utility bills due the amount of energy they use. New units are more energy efficient, which can reduce your monthly energy bill.

We are committed to your comfort at Glenmont, which starts with a reliable heating and cooling system. Give us a call for one of our trained technicians to help determine if repair or replacement is best for you and your home!

Ductless Mini-Splits vs Central Air Conditioner – Which is Best?

When it comes to ductless mini-split air conditioners vs central air conditioning, there are a lot of factors to consider. Both have their pros and cons, and the best option for your home will depend on your specific needs. In this article, we will take a look at both ducted and ductless AC systems and help you decide which is the best option for you.

Genmont Air Conditioning & Heating has worked in numerous homes that do not have a traditional furnace. During the harsh winters, homeowners used baseboard heat or a boiler to get by.

When it’s hot outside with no air conditioning, there aren’t many options. You open windows at night, close shades on the east and west sides of the property on sunny days, turn up the fans to maximum speed, and gather around room or window air conditioners.

If the Rockville area summers are making you yearn for air conditioning, and you don’t currently have a duct system, there are two viable alternatives.

Install a forced-air cooling system – an air conditioner or heat pump – or invest in a ductless mini-split system.

Don’t know which option is cheaper? Are you curious about the installation process? Or how each one will change the appearance of your house? We’ll answer these and other questions at the conclusion of this essay, and we hope to assist you in selecting how to keep your home cool.

If You Already Have Ductwork

The first course of action is simple if you already have ductwork. The external device will require power, and a line set will be required to bring conditioned air down to the basement or lower level. After that, an air conditioner must be installed to push the cooled air throughout the house.

Because the ducts will most likely reach all of the rooms, chilly air will be available in every location. All you have to do now is purchase an air conditioner or a heat pump, and you’ll be well on your way to a more pleasant summer. In addition, both of these devices help to remove humidity from the internal air, resolving:

  • An overly warm top floor or finished attic
  • Musty and disgusting smells
  • Mold showing in damp areas
  • Family having breathing issues
  • A general decrease in comfort
  • Permanent window fog
  • Different floors are often completely different in temperature
  • Spiders, bug infestations, and cobwebs
  • Wooden furniture experiencing moisture damage
  • Water stains

Ductless mini-splits can be used in conjunction with central ductwork if it is already in place. However, they would be utilized room by room rather than as a whole-house remedy.

If You Don’t Have Ductwork

Ductwork installation is time-consuming and expensive. And that doesn’t include the price of a new air conditioner or heat pump.

An HVAC technician will need to design a ductwork system to cover the entire house. To all of the rooms, the ductwork will need to be retrofitted.

Then you have to factor in the cost of installing an air handler, air conditioner, heat pump, or gas furnace and air conditioner.

It’s not difficult to install whole-home ductwork in a ranch house with a full, unfinished basement. You may run the ductwork wherever you want.

If you have multi-levels, a basement, or a finished basement, it’ll be extremely invasive. The ductwork will need to pass through finished rooms. There will be cutting and moving and refinishing. It becomes filthy and expensive.

You cut out a space for the supply and return ducts in a closet or the nook of a room. Then it’s time to bring it up to the attic. It’s going to set you back some cash. After all that work, you’ll need to finish the job afterwards.

How long would it take to install ducts for an unfinished basement in a ranch home?

It might take two to four days to complete the whole system. The process of running ductwork is time-consuming. Installing the AC and air handler would take another six to eight hours.

We may always add a zoned system as we go. Electronically controlled dampers are an option for a zoned system. These can be partially closed to aid in the restriction of air movement into a specific room. The air pressure throughout the rest of the home would rise as a result of this.

Why Is Ductwork So Expensive to Install?

A basement run takes only a few minutes. However, you must cut the floor holes for supply and return registers. You must cut the holes for the return registers. Flex-duct is used by some businesses. You just pull it out and tie off each end, and you’re ready to go.

Sheet metal ductwork is used at Glenmont since it promotes airflow more than ribbed, flexible ductwork. It also takes a bit longer to install.

We can’t give a price since we’d have to run a lot of duct and make a lot of holes. The final work would need to be completed by another contractor.

The cost of a whole-house duct system can range from $6000 to $15,000. That’s starting at the low end for a baby ranch house with a small main trunk system.

Advantages of Installing Central Air Conditioning

Central air conditioning is your quickest, simplest, and most affordable way to cool your house if you already have existing ductwork.

The disadvantage is that you’ll have to run ductwork throughout the house. The advantage is that you’ll be able to reach each room if you must install ductwork in the whole home.

By using central air, you may quickly add equipment to improve the air quality. Humidifiers can make the dry winter months more enjoyable. Air purification systems can get rid of germs, odors, allergens, pet dander, and other pollutants. Your entire home will be healthier and cleaner as a result of this renovation project.

The cost of an air conditioner unit is less than that of a ductless. The cost of a new AC for a house ranges from $4,500 to $13,000. This covers labor and regulatory costs. Variable-speed AC systems are among the different system sizes and levels of sophistication covered by this range.

If you’re leaning towards a heat pump, the cost is comparable. The price of a new heat pump ranges from $4,900 to $12,500. This time period covers the equipment expense, labor costs, and any other expenses. This range includes variable-capacity heat pump systems in a variety of system sizes and degrees of sophistication.

A typical air conditioner costs between $2900 and $5800. This fee includes installation. The price variation is due to the unit’s capacity and type of blower it has. Heat strips are another $300 to $600 in addition to the unit’s price.

Disadvantages of Installing Central Air Conditioning Without Ducts

A duct may have to run through your living room. Installers will cut two holes in the floor and run ducts throughout in order for it to function. It will be intrusive.

Let’s pretend we’re examining a fully completed basement in a three-story home. What would happen?

We have to either run the ductwork beneath the existing finished ceiling in the basement to install supply registers on the first floor. Alternatively, we’ll have to run the ducts above the completed ceiling or rip out the ceiling to place them up in the joist space. Another contractor will need to clean up any holes we make.

If we want to get to the second floor, we’ll either have to climb up the walls and across the ceilings of the first floor. Then there’s another set of holes. We’ll also need to create holes for both supply and return air.

Unless you’ve got the system zoned, you’ll have to choose where to put a thermostat. The thermostat does not know what temperature is in every room. Air conditioning can be used with zoning, but it isn’t as efficient as ductless mini-splits for zoning.

Advantages of Ductless Mini-Splits

  • They are less invasive. They may enter areas where there are no existing ducts. This can’t be overstated. Ductless mini-splits have a flexibility central air conditioning doesn’t come close to matching..
  • Each head is picked to whatever temperature you choose. (One note of caution: They all must be set to cool or warm. You can’t have one that’s cooling and another that’s heating.)
  • In most cases, they are. The head is installed on the wall, and a small hole is cut in it for the refrigerant line. We conceal that refrigerant line because it is hidden behind a line hide.
  • The process of connecting ductwork to the system is far faster than that of installing ducts. You’ll have immediate heating and cooling just as you wish, and you may manage the units using your phone with the mobile app. (You can do this with a high-end AC/heat pump and thermostat, too.)
  • They heat and cool. Yes, A heat pump can do the same, though they will struggle during extreme cold.
  • Ductless technology is one of the most energy-efficient technologies available. The lower end of ductless systems has a SEER rating of 16 – 18. Some of the more expensive devices reach into the 30s. There is no way that an air conditioner or heat pump can compete with these products when it comes to efficiency. A higher SEER rating is preferable, and it consumes less power.
  • Ductless heating/cooling systems are simpler to regulate since they don’t need a main supply line. You can set the temperature on each head individually.
  • Variable-speed compressors are common in small-capacity mini-splits, allowing them to run as much or little as necessary. In contrast to most (but not all) central air units, which have only one or two speeds and must be switched on and off more frequently.

Disadvantages of Ductless Mini-Splits

  • You won’t be able to perform complete-house humidification, air purification, or dehumidification with ductless. The ductless system includes some humidity and cleaning abilities. (The ductless does include some dehumidification and filtering capabilities.)
  • Some people can’t get over that thing on their wall. No question that it will be obvious in every room in which it’s mounted, whereas vents can be more unobtrusive.
  • You need a ductless air conditioner with heat strips if you have no ducts or don’t want to use them. They’re efficient when it comes to heating, but there’s no backup heat. When it gets really cold, you’ll wish you had an air handler with electric heat strips and some emergency heat. A long period of intense cold will significantly increase your electricity bill.
  • Central airflow is not created by ductless. It does not move air throughout the property, resulting in unventilated rooms that will not receive conditioned air. Only specific areas will be cooled/heated to precise comfort levels.

The Next Step Is Up to You

It’s a difficult choice between running ductwork and installing centralized air conditioning in a retrofitted home without ducts. You must compare both alternatives and choose the one that is best suited to you. In general, a ducted system in the basement is generally more appealing than a ductless mini-split system in a house with a full basement and just one floor.

If you have multiple levels and no locations where ductwork may be run, ductless technology may be a more appealing option.

You should now have a much better notion of which option is right for you. For others, the answer may be a combination of both, with a central air system servicing the majority of the property while a mini-split unit serves a specific area or room that is difficult to heat and cool.

If you’d like to speak with an HVAC professional in person about your choices even more, and if you live in the Rockville, MD area, contact us to book a free in-home consultation. Glenmont will answer any questions you have and assist you in selecting a solution that meets your demands.